80년도에서 최신 J-pop 7000여곡의 노래를 후리가나를 읽으면서 일본어를 배울 수있습니다.
후리가나, 원곡가사, 번역 그리고 관련 유튜브 동영상을 보면서 노래와 일본어 읽기를 시작하세요.
더 많은 J-Pop을 후리가나와 원본 그리고 번역까지 함께 읽을 수 있습니다. 지금 확인해보세요.

I was about to fall into this place where I can never crawl up
I was about to fall into this place where I can never crawl up
I should've been to Hollywood and meet Eddie Murphy and say
I should've been to Hollywood and meet Eddie Murphy and say
'tike tike yo tike tike yo kiddy yo Hi Mr. please entertain us'
'tike tike yo tike tike yo kiddy yo Hi Mr. please entertain us'
Why am I be the only bitch who's sick and black of this shit and flak
Why am I be the only bitch who's sick and black of this shit and flak
And why do you asking me this homey quiz
And why do you asking me this homey quiz
Hitchhike, which type? Which kind of music
Hitchhike, which type?Which kind of music
Whether hiphopopopari-rock' en' roll techno disco? Let go now, cut it out
Whether hiphopopopari-rock'en'roll techno disco?Let go now, cut it out
Why that I should be such a fan of me why? Why? Why? Why?
Why that I should be such a fan of me why?Why?Why?Why?
I am about to fall into this puddle I can never crawl up
I am about to fall into this puddle I can never crawl up
I've already been to Hollywood and met Eddie Murphy he said
I've already been to Hollywood and met Eddie Murphy he said
'Chili-chili-out-chil-chili-out kiddy yo'
'Chili-chili-out-chil-chili-out kiddy yo'
here's a quarter buy yourself a grave
here's a quarter buy yourself a grave
Why should I have to explain this shit each time this mind devise this sight
Why should I have to explain this shit each time this mind devise this sight
And why that I have to analyze? Inside this mind designs this style
And why that I have to analyze?Inside this mind designs this style
Talila talila talilalilalila Galileo Galilei, honey where the heck am I?
Talila talila talilalilalila Galileo Galilei, honey where the heck am I?
Mind if I could be one of your enemies Mind? Mind? Mind? Mind?
Mind if I could be one of your enemies Mind?Mind?Mind?Mind?
楽しくないのに僕たちは 心に黙って笑えるから
재미 없는데 우리는 마음에 가만히 웃으니까
悲しくないのに僕たちは どこからか涙流せるから
슬프지 않는데 우리는 어디선가 눈물 흘리니까
Hey, dear my friend I want you to be, as I wanted you to be, indeed
Hey, dear my friend I want you to be, as I wanted you to be, indeed
You know why? You know why well then ask in your mind
You know why?You know why well then ask in your mind
Now I'm tired to make an agree
Now I'm tired to make an agree
Hey, dear myself I want you to be, as you wanted to be, indeed
Hey, dear myself I want you to be, as you wanted to be, indeed
Oh, by the way oh, by the way oh, by the way do as what I say
Oh, by the way oh, by the way oh, by the way do as what I say
昨日守ってたナニカをね 明日は壊してしまうけど
어제 지키던 나니 카드를 말이야 내일은 부수어 버리지만
昨日交わした約束もね 明日は破ってしまうけど
어제 나눈 약속도. 내일은 찢어 버리지만
今の僕は ここにいるよ 大事な人もいるんだよ
지금의 나는 여기 있어 소중한 사람도 있다구
守っている約束もね 今は 今は 今は あるよ
지키는 약속도 말야 지금은 지금은 지금은 있어
優しくないけど僕たちは 誰かを守ってみたいんだ
상냥한 없지만 우리는 누군가를 지키고 싶은데
寂しくないけど僕たちは 誰かと笑っていたいんだ
외롭지 않지만 우리는 누군가 웃고 있고 싶어
虚しくないのに僕たちは まん丸い月を見上げるのは
헛된 없는데 우리는 아주 둥글다 달을 올려다 보는 것은
誰かに僕を見ていてほしい 嘘つきな僕を見ていてほしい
누군가에게 나를 보고 있으면 좋은 거짓말쟁이인 나를 보고 있기를 바란다
切なくないのに僕たちは 悲しい歌聴きたくなるのは
안타까운 없는데 우리는 슬픈 노래 듣고 싶어지는 것은
誰かに僕が似ていてほしい 嘘つきな僕に似ていてほしい から
누군가에게 내가 닮고 있으면 좋은 거짓말쟁이인 나를 닮아서 좋으니까
Hey, dear my friend I won't let you know, or I won't try to show how I feel
Hey, dear my friend I won't let you know, or I won't try to show how I feel
You know why? You know why well then ask in your mind
You know why?You know why well then ask in your mind
Now I'm tired of being admired
Now I'm tired of being admired
Hey, dear myself don't leave me alone don't ease me along how I feel
Hey, dear myself don't leave me alone don't ease me along how I feel
You know why? You know why well then ask in your mind
You know why?You know why well then ask in your mind
In your mind is my mind otherwise who am I?
In your mind is my mind otherwise who am I?
일본 뉴스
매일 1시간에 한번씩 업데이트 되는 일본의 4대 메인 뉴스인 일본 TV(NNN), 아사히(ANN), TBS(JNN), 후지 TV(FNN)의 기사를 후리가나와 함께 읽을 수 있습니다.
한자 후리가나
JLPT모든 레벨(1 ~ 5)의 한자를 배울 수 있습니다. 그림과 획수 음독 훈독을 보면서 배워봅시다.
일본 트위터
좋아하는 일본 연예인 또는 친구의 트위터계정을 조회해보세요. 한자가 포함된 트윗을 후리가나로 보실 수 있습니다.
이미지 출처: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/3139NnYzgCL.jpg
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