80년도에서 최신 J-pop 7000여곡의 노래를 후리가나를 읽으면서 일본어를 배울 수있습니다.
후리가나, 원곡가사, 번역 그리고 관련 유튜브 동영상을 보면서 노래와 일본어 읽기를 시작하세요.
더 많은 J-Pop을 후리가나와 원본 그리고 번역까지 함께 읽을 수 있습니다. 지금 확인해보세요.

Without the light in dark
Without the light in dark
But I feel the deepest emotions
But I feel the deepest emotions
Throughout the fight with mind
Throughout the fight with mind
I don't care about the lapse
I don't care about the lapse
Believe your voice and smiles
Believe your voice and smiles
I'll be going there with my motion
I'll be going there with my motion
Blow out the feeling dead
Blow out the feeling dead
I don't care about the past
I don't care about the past
Killing the emotion of mine and I just use my mind
Killing the emotion of mine and I just use my mind
Forget my life
Forget my life
Apathy, impassivity and indifference of all the cautions to my life
Apathy, impassivity and indifference of all the cautions to my life
You were alive and said
You were alive and said
We're the ones who changes the world we know by our hands
We're the ones who changes the world we know by our hands
You'd always saved, rescued and loved your neighbors as yourself
You'd always saved, rescued and loved your neighbors as yourself
Come and see just call my name
Come and see just call my name
孤独に別れを 手を広げ高く 空へ叫ぶ
고독하게 이별을 손을 넓히는 높은 하늘에 외쳐
Without the light in dark
Without the light in dark
But I feel the deepest emotions
But I feel the deepest emotions
Throughout the fight with mind
Throughout the fight with mind
I don't care about the lapse
I don't care about the lapse
Believe your voice and smiles
Believe your voice and smiles
I'll be going there to live
I'll be going there to live
Nothing but the emotions in motion
Nothing but the emotions in motion
Sailing the emotion of mine
Sailing the emotion of mine
I go paint it black again and again
I go paint it black again and again
Scared by all the things I face and the future
Scared by all the things I face and the future
that just leads to the white world's end
that just leads to the white world's end
But you just took my hand
But you just took my hand
And you took me all above
And you took me all above
We're the ones who changes the world
We're the ones who changes the world
I close my eyes and urge myself to determine my faith
I close my eyes and urge myself to determine my faith
手を広げ高く 空へ飛ぶだけ
손을 넓히는 높은 하늘로 날아가만
目を閉じ心の 声を叫ぶ
눈을 감고 마음의 소리를 외치다
Without the light in dark
Without the light in dark
But I feel the deepest emotions
But I feel the deepest emotions
Throughout the fight with mind
Throughout the fight with mind
I don't care about the lapse
I don't care about the lapse
Believe your voice and smiles
Believe your voice and smiles
I'll be going there to live
I'll be going there to live
Nothing but the emotions in motion
Nothing but the emotions in motion
일본 뉴스
매일 1시간에 한번씩 업데이트 되는 일본의 4대 메인 뉴스인 일본 TV(NNN), 아사히(ANN), TBS(JNN), 후지 TV(FNN)의 기사를 후리가나와 함께 읽을 수 있습니다.
한자 후리가나
JLPT모든 레벨(1 ~ 5)의 한자를 배울 수 있습니다. 그림과 획수 음독 훈독을 보면서 배워봅시다.
일본 트위터
좋아하는 일본 연예인 또는 친구의 트위터계정을 조회해보세요. 한자가 포함된 트윗을 후리가나로 보실 수 있습니다.
이미지 출처: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51mi-q9xrBL.jpg
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