80년도에서 최신 J-pop 7000여곡의 노래를 후리가나를 읽으면서 일본어를 배울 수있습니다.
후리가나, 원곡가사, 번역 그리고 관련 유튜브 동영상을 보면서 노래와 일본어 읽기를 시작하세요.
더 많은 J-Pop을 후리가나와 원본 그리고 번역까지 함께 읽을 수 있습니다. 지금 확인해보세요.

I wonder how many things left behind in the distant summer day
I wonder how many things left behind in the distant summer day
It is faraway, thunder lingers on my ears
It is faraway, thunder lingers on my ears
Your shadow edged with senset still touches my heart, and won't let go
Your shadow edged with senset still touches my heart, and won't let go
As if everything was in a blink of an eye
As if everything was in a blink of an eye
If you open your ears, you'll hear the sound
If you open your ears, you'll hear the sound
You won't get lost or cheat in the maze
You won't get lost or cheat in the maze
If you open your eyes, you'll see the lights
If you open your eyes, you'll see the lights
There are many doors
There are many doors
The moment you took wings for the unleashed world, I found eternity
The moment you took wings for the unleashed world, I found eternity
I'll still get to meet you in the changing season
I'll still get to meet you in the changing season
Waygoing times overlaps like a dream, I found eternity
Waygoing times overlaps like a dream, I found eternity
This moment goes on forever in your eyes
This moment goes on forever in your eyes
I wonder how many times I made you cry back in those days
I wonder how many times I made you cry back in those days
It was the smell of rainy asphalt, I remember
It was the smell of rainy asphalt, I remember
Your tears flowing down still touching my heart, and won't let go
Your tears flowing down still touching my heart, and won't let go
As if everything was in a blink of an eye
As if everything was in a blink of an eye
If I open my ears, can I hear your voice?
If I open my ears, can I hear your voice?
I will be honest to myself
I will be honest to myself
If I open my eyes, can I see the light?
If I open my eyes, can I see the light?
I won't look at the ground
I won't look at the ground
The moment you took wings for the unleashed world, I found eternity
The moment you took wings for the unleashed world, I found eternity
I'll still get to meet you in the changing season
I'll still get to meet you in the changing season
Waygoing times overlaps like a dream, I found eternity
Waygoing times overlaps like a dream, I found eternity
This moment goes on forever in your eyes
This moment goes on forever in your eyes
It's just my precious, precious
It's just my precious, precious
And it's too precious for words
And it's too precious for words
Just for me, glowing, flowing, blowing...
Just for me, glowing, flowing, blowing...
When I opend the door to a whole new world, I found it in your eyes
When I opend the door to a whole new world, I found it in your eyes
The moment you took wings for the unleashed world, I found eternity
The moment you took wings for the unleashed world, I found eternity
I'll still get to meet you in the changing season
I'll still get to meet you in the changing season
Waygoing times overlaps like a dream, I found eternity
Waygoing times overlaps like a dream, I found eternity
This moment goes on forever in your eyes
This moment goes on forever in your eyes
일본 뉴스
매일 1시간에 한번씩 업데이트 되는 일본의 4대 메인 뉴스인 일본 TV(NNN), 아사히(ANN), TBS(JNN), 후지 TV(FNN)의 기사를 후리가나와 함께 읽을 수 있습니다.
한자 후리가나
JLPT모든 레벨(1 ~ 5)의 한자를 배울 수 있습니다. 그림과 획수 음독 훈독을 보면서 배워봅시다.
일본 트위터
좋아하는 일본 연예인 또는 친구의 트위터계정을 조회해보세요. 한자가 포함된 트윗을 후리가나로 보실 수 있습니다.
이미지 출처: https://is4-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music/v4/c8/08/d0/c808d044-37ff-ec45-b444-e22ddc104eed/source/100x100bb.jpg
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